Thursday, March 12, 2009


So for those few of you who choose to read this/look at the pretty pictures I am Bryan Lang aka Mkoll. I am the prime Admin on one of the largest Imperial Guard forums on the web known as The Boot by its members or simply Boot Camp for those not in the "know"

As we have several major projects ongoing on the forum I have decided to create my own Blog to allow me to have some personal space per say and allow my army the Apă PDF to take shape and hopefully grow into a full army. This is my second actual IG army with the first being the Chorto 4th and being ancient and needing a lot of work.

This will not focus solely on my IG however, I have a Warhammer Fantasy army, an all Slaanesh Daemon Warband for fantasy(actually my girlfriends army but I use it in battle while she does the painting), A Space Marine army(The DOOOOOM Legion!) and some Chaos Space Marines that will be removed and possibly be mixed with a second/third guard army to make me a Khorne Cult army. I hope to have updates of all those projects as I go so enjoy them all.

With that said I welcome you to the Blog if you actually care and hope my army(ies) will be done over time here. My goal is at least 1 full post a week so wish me luck.

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